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Quality Commitment |
We, BQ Plus, endeavour our full passion on the concerning of patient healthy. As an assure of patient safety, we establish our quality policy and devote ourself to make a safer world by providing better quality, innovative, and effective products, parts, and sterilization service. That’s a process never ends-we continually review our quality system and product against regulatory requirement to make sure we are on the right way. |
We share our patients’ concerns and understand how deeply they need proper care, proper device when those are needed, which is why we always striving to do better and more when it comes to this important issue. |
The quality policy bellow reflects our company’s focus on providing devices that patient can trust. We’ve worked hard to build and maintain this trust for many years. |
l 满足顾客需求,践行必趣承诺; |
Delight our customers and deliver Better Quality promise. |
l 设计和提供安全可靠、更高性价比的产品与服务; |
Design and deliver safe, excellent cost, and effective products. |
l 遵守适用的法规并推崇人人承担质量; |
Comply with applicable regulatory & compliance requirements and enhance everyone’s duty for quality. |
l 推动持续改进的企业文化; |
Drive a culture of continuous improvement |